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Seppala, Timo and Kalm, Matias (2013) Profiting from Product Innovation: A Product Life Analysis of the Economic Geography of Value Added. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2013-1]

Kornelakis, Andreas (2012) Collective Bargaining Centralisation Against All Odds? The Italian Telecommunications Industry after Market Liberalization. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2012-1]

Figueiredo, Paulo N. (2011) Variability in Micro-level Innovation Performance in Natural Resource-processing Industries. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2011-02]

Holl, Adelheid and Rama, Ruth (2011) Technology Sourcing: Are Biotechnology Firms Different? An Exploratory Study of the Spanish Case. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2011-01]

Giuliani, Elisa (2010) Network Dynamics in Regional Clusters: A New Perspective from an Emerging Economy. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2010-09]

McElheran, Kristina (2010) The Effect of Market Leadership in Business Process Innovation: The Case(s) of E-Business Adoption. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2010-08]

Sönmez, Erkut and Kekre, Sunder and Scheller-Wolf, Alan and Secomandi, Nicola (2010) Comparative Analysis of Incumbent and Emerging Liquefied Natural Gas Regasification Technologies. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2010-07]

Litwin, Adam Seth (2010) Technological Change at Work: The Impact of Employee Involvement on the Effectiveness of Health Information Technology. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2010-06]

Szajnfarber, Zoe and Weigel, Annalisa L. (2010) Innovation Pathways in Bureaucratic Organizations: A Process Study of Technology Infusion at NASA. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2010-04]

Luedke, Tracy (2010) Driving Lives: An Ethnography of Chicago Taxi Drivers. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2010-03]

Levina, Natalia and Kane, Aimee A. (2010) Onshore Immigrant Managers as Boundary Spanners on Offshored Software Development Projects: Partners or Bosses? [Industry Studies Working Paper:2010-02]

Lazonick, William and Tulum, Öner (2010) US Biopharmaceutical Finance and the Sustainability of the Biotech Boom. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2010-01]

Liu, Mingwei (2009) Toward Labor Flexibility with Chinese Characteristics? The Case of the Chinese Construction Machinery Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-10]

Lafontaine, Francine and Kosova , Renata and Zhao, Bo (2009) Scale, Scope, and Spillovers: Evidence from Franchised Chains. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-09]

McDermott, Gerald A. and Corredoira, Rafael and Kruse, Greg (2009) Public-Private Institutions, Upgrading, and Accessing Knowledge Resources in Emerging Market Societies. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-08]

Doeringer, Peter and Bigarelli, Daniella and Courault, Bruno and Crestanello, Paolo and Oxborrow, Lynn and Terkla, David (2009) What Makes a District? "Created" Externalities in Craft-Like Manufacturing -- The Garment Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-07]

Breznitz, Shiri M. (2009) Are One Track Pony Clusters Sustainable? The Israeli Biotechnology Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-06]

Carré, Françoise and Tilly, Chris and Holgate, Brandynn (2009) Competitive Strategies In The Us Retail Industry: Consequences For Jobs In Food And Consumer Electronics Stores. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-05]

Brandt, Loren and Thun, Eric (2009) The Fight For The Middle: Upgrading, Competition, And Industrial Development In China. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-04]

Meil, Pamela (2009) How Value Chains Grow in the IT Sector - R&D, Software Development and IT Support Services and How This Affects Work. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-03]

Casper, Steven (2009) Social Structure And Marketplace Formation Within California Biotechnology. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-02]

Fuchs, Erica (2009) The Role of DARPA in Seeding and Encouraging New Technology Trajectories: Pre- and Post- Tony Tether in the New Innovation Ecosystem. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2009-01]

Park, Timothy A. and Davis, Elizabeth E. (2008) Productivity and Efficiency Impacts Of Human Resources Practices in Food Retailing. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-33]

Shin, Namchul and Kraemer , Kenneth L. and Dedrick, Jason (2008) R&D, Value Chain Location and Firm Performance in the Global Electronics Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-32]

Kumaraswamy, Arun and Mudambi, Ram and Saranga, Haritha and Tripathy, Arindam (2008) Strategic Adaptation to Deregulation in the Indian Auto Components Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-31]

Agiwal, Swati and Mohtadi, Hamid and Kinsey, Jean (2008) Security-Preparedness of Firms in U.S. Food Supply Chain. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-30]

Struben, Jeroen J.R. (2008) The Diffusion of Complex Market Technologies: Multifaceted Dynamics for Alternative Fuel Vehicles. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-29]

Sosa, M. Lourdes (2008) The Role of Incumbent Firms and Universities as Drivers of Innovation: Evidence from the Comparison of the Markets for Anti-cancer and AIDS-treatment Drugs. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-28]

Doeringer, Peter B. and Courault, Bruno (2008) Garment District Performance: S(weatshop)-Efficiency vs. I(nnovation)-Efficiency. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-27]

Burks, Stephen V. and Carpenter, Jeffrey P. and Götte, Lorenz and Rustichini, Aldo (2008) Cognitive Skills Explain Economic Preferences, Strategic Behavior, and Job Attachment Among Truckers. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-26]

Alon, Ilan and Fetscherin, Marc and Johnson, James P. (2008) A Framework for Industry Export Competitiveness: Evidence from the Alcoholic Beverages Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-25]

Shire, Karen and Van Jaarsveld, Danielle D. (2008) The Temporary Staffing Industry in Protected Employment Economies: Germany, Japan and the Netherlands. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-24]

Nandkumar, Anand and Arora, Ashish (2008) Securing their Future? Entry and Survival in the Information Security Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-23]

Marcus, Alfred A. and Anderson, Marc H. (2008) Commitment to an Emerging Organizational Field, Institutional Entrepreneurship, and the Perception of Opportunity: An Enactment Theory. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-22]

Lazonick, William (2008) The New Economy Business Model and Sustainable Prosperity. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-21]

Kraemer, Kenneth L. and Dedrick, Jason (2008) Globalization of Innovation: The Personal Computing Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-20]

Janovskaia, Alexandra (2008) German Automotive Multinationals in Central Europe: Enterprise Coalitions for Production. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-19]

Gonzalez-Brambila, Claudia N. and Veloso, Francisco M. and Krackhardt, David (2008) Social capital and the Creation of Knowledge. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-18]

Dossani, Rafiq and Patibandla, Murali (2008) Preparing for a Services Economy: An Evaluation of Higher Education in India. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-17]

Dimoka, Angelika and Pavlou, Paul A. (2008) Understanding and Mitigating Product Uncertainty in Online Auction Marketplaces. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-16]

Dedrick, Jason and Kraemer, Kenneth L. and Linden, Greg (2008) Who Profits from Innovation in Global Value Chains? A Study of the iPod and Notebook PCs. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-15]

Cohn, Amy and AhmadBeygi, Shervin and Lapp, Marcial (2008) Decreasing Airline Delay Propagation by Re-allocating Scheduled Slack. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-14]

Chesbrough, Henry and Liang, Feng (2008) Return to R&D Investment and Spillovers in the Chinese Semiconductor Industry: A Tale of Two Segments. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-13]

Camuffo, Arnaldo and Pozzana, Roberto and Vinelli, Andrea and Benedetti, Laura (2008) Not Doomed to Death: A Map of Small Firms' Business Models in the Italian Textile Apparel Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-12]

Brown, Clair and Linden, Greg (2008) Semiconductor Capabilities in the U.S. and Industrializing Asia. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-11]

Boasson, Vigdis and Boasson, Emil and MacPherson, Alan (2008) Stock Returns and Geographic Innovation Index. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-10]

Blumsack, Seth and Lave, Lester and Apt, Jay (2008) Electricity and Costs Under Regulation and Restructuring. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-09]

Ben-Ner, Avner and Ren, Ting (2008) Does Organization Ownership Matter?: Structure and Performance in For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Local Government Nursing Homes. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-08]

Belzer, Michael H. and Shih-wei, Pan and Nan, Yu (2008) Industrial Relations Experiments in China: Balancing Equity and Efficiency the Chinese Way. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-07]

Baker, Dean (2008) Financing Drug Research: What are the Issues? [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-06]

Allen, Anna Nicholson and Das, Subodh and Field, Frank and Gregory, Jeremy and Kirchain, Randolph (2008) Enabling Environmentally-Informed Materials Selection Decisions: Robustness of Early Stage Lifecycle Assessment. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-05]

Rubinstein, Saul and Martin-Rios, Carlos and Hoffer Gittell, Jody and Erhardt, Niclas and George, Varghese (2008) Cross-Boundary Coordination Under Organizational Stress: Communication Patterns and Resilience. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-04]

Lee, Eungkyoon (2008) The Impact of Social Relations on Environmental Compliance of Small Firms. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-03]

Sturgeon, Timothy J. (2008) From Commodity Chains to Value Chains: Interdisciplinary Theory Building in an Age of Globalization. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-02]

Keefe, Jeffrey H. (2008) Convergence, Divergence, or Fragmentation: How are Digitalization, Service Competition, and Corporate Consolidation Reshaping Employment Systems in US Telecommunications? [Industry Studies Working Paper:2008-01]

Doellgast, Virginia (2007) Still a Coordinated Model? Market Liberalization and the Transformation of Employment Relations in the German Telecommunications Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-39]

Ghosal, Vivek and Nair-Reichert, Usha (2007) Investments in Modernization, Innovation and Gains in Productivity: Evidence From Firms in the Global Paper Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-38]

Bhardwaj, Gaurab (2007) Growth Possibilities Found, Taken, and Lost. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-37]

Sedjo, Roger A. and Bael, David (2007) The Impact of Globalization on the Forest Products Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-36]

Lee, Jaegul and Veloso, Francisco M. and Hounshell, David A. (2007) Linking Induced Technological Change, Competitiveness and Environmental Regulation: Evidence from Patenting in the U.S. Auto Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-35]

Dossani, Rafiq and Kenney, Martin (2007) The Evolving Indian Offshore Services Environment: Greater Scale, Scope and Sophistication. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-34]

Yu, Kyoung-Hee and Levy, Frank (2007) Offshoring Radiology Services to India. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-33]

West, Joel and Simard, Caroline (2007) Balancing Intrapreneurial Innovation Vs. Entrepreneurial Spinoffs During Periods of Technological Ferment. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-32]

Treado, Carey Durkin and Giarratani, Frank (2007) Intermediate Steel-Industry Suppliers in the Pittsburgh Region: A Cluster-Based Analysis of Regional Economic Resilience. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-31]

Sosa, M. Lourdes (2007) The Evolution of a Competence's Market Specificity and the Emergence of Advantage During a Technological Disruption. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-30]

Sanderson, Susan and Walls, Judith and Lai, Yin-Yi and Simons, Kenneth (2007) Innovation Challenges in the Lighting Industry From 1990 to 2006. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-29]

Roy, Raja (2007) Disruption Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder: Firm Capabilities and Endogeneity of Technological Disruption. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-28]

Rothenberg, Sandra and Tang, Zhi and Hira, Ron (2007) Printing Industry Offshoring: Perspectives from US-Based Printers. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-27]

Rothaermel, Frank T. and Hess, Andrew M. (2007) Building Dynamic Capabilities: Innovation Driven By Individual, Firm, and Network Level Effects. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-26]

Rothaermel, Frank T. and Boeker, Warren (2007) Old Technology Meets New Technology: Complementarities, Similarities, and Alliance Formation. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-25]

Reyes, Pedro M. and Frazier, Gregory V. and Prater, Edmund and Cannon, Alan and Jaska, Pat (2007) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Implementation Efforts at Four Firms: Integrating Lessons Learned and RFID-Specific Survey. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-24]

Mohtadi, Hamid and Kinsey, Jean (2007) Optimum Investments to Mitigate Catastrophic Risk: Application to Food Industry Firms. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-23]

Lynn, Leonard and Salzman, Hal (2007) "Innovation Shift" to the Emerging Economies: Cases From IT and Heavy Industries. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-22]

Lee, Jaegul and Hounshell, David A. and Veloso, Francisco M. (2007) Innovation and Technology Policy: Lessons From Emission Control and Safety Technologies in the U.S. Automobile Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-21]

Hunter, Larry W. and Seo, Jeongil and Jarmin, Ron and Sandusky, Kristin and Chiang, Hyowook and Grim, Cheryl and Haltiwanger, John and Nestoriak, Nicole (2007) Internal Labor Markets and Diversification Strategies in Financial Services. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-20]

Hoffer Gittell, Jody and Seidner, Rob and Wimbush, Julian (2007) A Social Capital Model of High Performance Work Systems. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-19]

Goelman, Ari (2007) Telework that Works: Teleradiology and the Emergence of Nighthawk Radiology Groups. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-18]

Gibson, G. Edward, Jr. and Migliaccio, Giovanni C. and O’Connor, James T. (2007) Changing Project Delivery Strategy: An Implementation Framework. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-17]

Fuchs, Erica R. H. and Kirchain, Randolph E. (2007) Changing Paths: The Impact of Manufacturing Offshore on Technology Development Incentives in the Optoelectronics Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-16]

Fixson, Sebastian K. and Park, Jin-Kyu (2007) The Power of Integrality: Linkages Between Product Architecture, Innovation, and Industry Structure. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-15]

Fifarek, Brian J. and Veloso, Francisco and Davdison, Cliff I. (2007) The Internationalization of Industry Supply Chains and the Location of Innovation Activities. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-14]

Dossani, Rafiq and Kenney, Martin (2007) The Evolving Indian Offshore Services Environment: Greater Breadth, Depth, and Scope. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-13]

Di Minin, Alberto and Palmberg, Christopher (2007) Why is Strategic R&D (Still) Homebound in a Globalized Industry? The Case of Leading Firms in Wireless Telecom. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-12]

Cohn, Amy and AhmadBeygi, Shervin and Guan, Yihan and Belobaba, Peter (2007) Analysis of the Potential for Delay Propagation in Passenger Airline Networks. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-11]

Christopherson, Susan and Clark, Jennifer (2007) Power in Firm Networks: What it Means for Regional Innovation Systems. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-10]

Campbell, Benjamin (2007) Is Working for a Start-up Worth It? Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-09]

Burks, Stephen and Carpenter, Jeffrey and Götte, Lorenz and Monaco, Kristen and Porter, Kay and Rustichini, Aldo (2007) Adding Behavioral Economics Field Experiments to the Industry Studies Toolkit: Predicting Truck Driver Job Exits in a High Turnover Setting. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-08]

Billinger, Stephan and Jacobides, Michael G. (2007) Fending Off Commoditization and Softening Competition Through Strategic Boundary Design. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-07]

Bender, Betsy and Partlow, Charles G. and Roth, Martin S. (2007) An Examination of Strategic Drivers Impacting U.S. Multinational Lodging Corporations. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-06]

Ben-Ner, Avner and Lluis, Stéphanie (2007) Learning: What and How? An Empirical Study of Adjustments in Human Resource Systems. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-05]

Bardhan, Ashok and Kroll, Cynthia A. (2007) Globalization and the Real Estate Industry: Issues, Implications, Opportunities. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-04]

Balint, Bryon and Forman, Chris and Slaughter, Sandra and Hyder, Elaine and Paulk, Mark C. (2007) Knowledge Transfer and Quality Practices in the Implementation of a Sourcing Capability Model. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-03]

Arora, Ashish and Forman, Chris and Yoon, Jiwoong (2007) Globalization of Software Innovation. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-02]

Anderson, Edward G., Jr. and Davis-Blake, Alison and Parker, Geoffrey G. (2007) Managing Outsourced Product Design: The Effectiveness of Alternative Integration Mechanisms. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2007-01]

Youtie, Jan and Shapira, Phillip and Slanina, John and Lamos, Erin (2006) Innovation in the Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry: Insights from the 2005 Georgia Manufacturing Survey. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2006-06]

Pil, Frits K. and Fujimoto, Takahiro (2006) Dynamic Nature of Production Models. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2006-05]

Sturgeon, Timothy J. (2006) Modular Production's Impact on Japan's Electronics Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2006-04]

Luria, Dan and Vidal , Matt and Wial , Howard and Rogers, Joel (2006) Full-Utilization Learning Lean. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2006-03]

Dossani, Rafiq and Kenney, Martin (2006) The Next Wave of Globalization: Relocating Service Provision to India. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2006-02]

Giarratani, Frank and Gruver, Gene and Randall, Jackson (2006) Agglomeration and Market Entry in the U.S. Steel Industry: Empirical Evidence Based on the Advent of Slab Casting by U.S. Steel Minimills. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2006-01]

Davis, Elizabeth and Freedman, Matthew and Lane, Julia and McCall, Brian and Nestoriak, Nicole and Park, Timothy (2005) Supermarket Human Resource Practices and Competition from Mass Merchandisers. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-12]

Sosa, M. Lourdes (2005) Decoupling Market Incumbency from Organizational Experience: Locating the Real Sources of Competence in the Research and Development of Radical Innovation. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-10]

Francis, Peter and Smilowitz, Karen and Tzur, Michal (2005) Flexibility and Complexity in Periodic Distribution Problems. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-09]

Rosenthal, Meredith and Frank, Richard G. and Li, Zhonghe and Epstein, Arnold M. (2005) Early Experience with Pay-for-Performance from Concept to Practice. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-08]

Gorin, Thomas and Belobaba, Peter (2005) Assessing Predation in Airline Markets with Low-Fare Competition. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-07]

Arora, Ashish and Forman, Chris (2005) Proximity and Software Programming: IT Outsourcing and the Local Market. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-06]

Gans, Noah and Zhou, Yong-Pin (2005) Call-Routing Schemes for Call-Center Outsourcing. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-05]

Cohn, Amy Mainville and Root, Sarah and Wang, Alex and Mohr, Doug (2005) Integration of the Load Matching and Routing Problem with Equipment Balancing for Small Package Carriers. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-04]

Andersson, Fredrik and Brown, Clair and Campbell, Benjamin and Chiang, Hyowook and Park, Yooki (2005) The Effect of HRM Practices and R&D Investment on Worker Productivity. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-03]

Brown, Clair and Linden, Greg (2005) Offshoring in the Semiconductor Industry: A Historical Perspective. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-02]

Belman, Dale and Ormiston, Russell and Schriver, William and Kelso, Richard (2005) The Effect of Project Labor Agreements on the Cost of School Construction. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2005-01]

Bratu, Stephane and Barnhart, Cynthia (2004) An Analysis of Airline Passenger Delays Using Flight Operations and Passenger Booking Data. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-20]

Celuch, Kevin G. and Bantham, John H. and Kasouf, Chickery J. (2004) Buyer-Seller Relationships: The Role of Expectations, Communication Behavior, and Appraisal Processes in Problem Solving. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-19]

Farmer, Michael C. (2004) Strategic Research Connections: Implementing Funding Policy in a Dynamic Network. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-18]

Gibson, Jr., G. Edward and Walewski, John (2004) Risks of International Projects: Reward or Folly? [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-17]

Groysberg, Boris and Nanda, Ashish and Nohria, Nitin (2004) The Risky Business of Hiring Stars. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-16]

Herrigel, Gary and Wittke, Volker (2004) Varieties of Vertical Disintegration: The Global Trend Toward Heterogeneous Supply Relations and the Reproduction of Difference in US and German Manufacturing. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-15]

Hudson, Heather E. (2004) Investing in Infrastructure in Developing Regions: Innovative Strategies and Policies. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-14]

King, Robert P. and Leibtag, Ephraim and Behl, Ajay S. (2004) Supermarket Characteristics and Operating Costs in Low-Income Areas. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-12]

Kuan, Jennifer (2004) Is Open Source Software "Better" Than Closed Source Software? Using Bug-Fix Rates to Compare Software Quality. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-11]

Lave, Lester N. and Blumsack, Seth and Perekhodstev, Dmitri (2004) Can Electricity Markets Be Competitive? Lessons from Deregulation. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-10]

Monaco, Kristin A. and Belman, Dale L. (2004) An Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Technology on the Work Lives of Truck Drivers. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-09]

Rosenthal, Meredith (2004) Paying for Quality: Current Models and Potential Impact. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-08]

Rothenberg , Sandra and Becker, Monica (2004) Technical Assistance Programs and the Diffusion of Environmental Technologies in the Printing Industry: The Case of SMEs. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-07]

Safford, Sean (2004) Searching for Silicon Valley in the Rust Belt: The Evolution of Knowledge Networks in Akron and Rochester. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-06]

Sako, Mari (2004) Supplier Development at Honda, Nissan and Toyota: Comparative Case Studies of Organizational Capability Enhancement. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-05]

Souza, Gilvan C. and Guide, Jr., Daniel R. and Van Wassenhove, Luk N. and Blackburn, Joseph D. (2004) Time Value of Commercial Product Returns. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-04]

Stallings, Sarah C. and Witt, Whitney P. and Crown, William H. and Finkelstein, Stan N. and Hiller, Arthur J. and Sinskey, Anthony J. (2004) An Economic Framework for Evaluating Personalized Medicine. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-03]

Treado, Carey Durkin (2004) Imports, Technology, and the Success of the American Steel Industry. [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-02]

Weil, David (2004) Improving Labor Standards in the Apparel Industry: Can Government Make a Difference? [Industry Studies Working Paper:2004-01]

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